Recruiter Guy Offers Tips- Where are all the Great Restaurant Managers?

Recruiter Guy Offers Tips- Where are all the Great Restaurant Managers?

As an operator for 30 years and a recruiter for the last 25 years, I have seen the hospitality management talent pool fluctuate from a surplus of great managers to a complete drought of talent. We are currently in the middle of a drought. Great managers are hard to find. They are still in the market, but are harder to find, attract and keep – below are some of my thoughts that may help you change that. Where are all the great managers? – The good operators are most likely working with one of your competitors....

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Recruiter Guy Offers Tips: The Follow Shift Interview – How to Prepare & Engage

Recruiter Guy Offers Tips: The Follow Shift Interview – How to Prepare & Engage

When I was a manager running a restaurant in Dallas, my Vice President of Operations decided to add the follow shift to the interview process – My first experience was amazing – I could not believe what I learned spending 4 hours with a young man that wanted to work for us. Walking through the restaurant talking about operations and meeting the staff was so much more informative than sitting across a desk from each other asking questions in a robotic fashion – after my first follow shift I was hooked -and could...

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